Governing the Zilliqa network

Make your voice heard

Exercise your vote and decide the future of the Zilliqa network through our decentralised governance structure.

As a token holder, you can propose changes to our network and vote on them.

Governance token basics

What is Governance ZIL (gZIL)?

Governance ZIL (gZIL) is the Zilliqa network governance token, and it enables long-term token holders to participate in the Zilliqa ecosystem. Every gZIL represents one vote, and the more you hold, the more voting power you have.

How to get gZIL

You can get gZIL on centralised exchanges such as and or the decentralised exchange operating at

What is the governance process?

Have your say in four easy steps

Make your gZil count and shape the future of the Zilliqa network.


Discuss in forum

Share your views on open proposals and make your voice heard.


Submit proposal

See whether your proposals make the formal voting phase on our governance forum.


Start voting

Vote using Snapshot, a democratic portal that decentralises decision-making for ZIL token holders.

How to vote on Snapshot

Hold gZIL in your wallet


Visit voting portal


Connect your wallet to the portal


Cast your vote on proposals

What is a ZIP?

A Zilliqa Improvement Proposal (ZIP) is a design document that establishes the platform's core protocol standard.

ZIPs enable you to propose new features and improvements, collect information, and it also operates as a text file, so its revision history acts as a historical record.

Community-driven proposals

All platform changes involve decisions made by a community of first-class citizens.


ZIP-12 is a proposal that covers topics such as proposal duration, minimum quorum, and general proposal eligibility.

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ZIP-18 was a proposal from a community member who successfully requested to increase transaction fees to prevent spam bots from congesting the chain while maintaining smart contract fees.

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Zilliqa governance FAQs